Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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Text File
87 lines
These are formatted versions of the major MH documents (written
using the troff "-ms" and "-me" macro packages). The ".doc" files
are formatted for 66 lines/page:
ADMIN.doc - The MH Administrator's Manual - how to configure MH
MH.doc - The MH User's Manual
changes.doc - Changes from MH 6.6 to MH 6.8
mh-gen.doc - The "READ-ME" file - how to generate MH (aka mh-gen(8))
Postscript versions are also available:
ADMIN.ps - The MH Administrator's Manual - how to configure MH
MH.ps - The MH User's Manual
changes.ps - Changes from MH 6.6 to MH 6.8
mh-gen.ps - The "READ-ME" file - how to generate MH (aka mh-gen(8))
These are postscript conversions of the MH papers which were written
using the TeX typesetting language:
bboards.ps - The UCI BBoards Facility
beginners.ps - UCI MH for Beginners
mh4mm.ps - MH for MM users
mh6.ps - Changes from MH 6.0 to MH 6.5 for 4.3BSD
multifarious.ps - MH: A Multifarious User Agen
mznet.ps - MZnet - Mail Service for Personal Micro Comp. Sys.
realwork.ps - MH.5 - How to process 200 messages...
trusted.ps - Design of the TTI Prototype Trusted Mail Agent
tutorial.ps - The MH Tutorial
These conversions have been provided because they may be of use to some
sites who retrieved MH using FTP, and who do not have TeX to typeset
the papers themselves. Of course, all recipients of an MH distribution
tape receive a complete set of laser-printed manuals.
These conversions were generated with the "dvips" program. I have
printed them on an Imagen 5320 w/ Turboscript, and the output is
identical to the original "dvi" versions of these papers.
As yet, I have had no success downloading the postscript files to a Mac-
intosh, and printing them on a Laserwriter. If you are able to generate
copies of these papers which will print (identically to the originals or
otherwise) on a Laserwriter, please contact "Bug-MH@ICS.UCI.EDU".
These files are tty-readable conversions of the MH papers which were
written using the TeX typesetting language:
bboards.tty - The UCI BBoards Facility
beginners.tty - UCI MH for Beginners
mh4mm.tty - MH for MM users
mh6.tty - Changes from MH 6.0 to MH 6.5 for 4.3BSD
multifarious.tty - MH: A Multifarious User Agen
mznet.tty - MZnet - Mail Service for Personal Micro Comp. Sys.
realwork.tty - MH.5 - How to process 200 messages...
trusted.tty - Design of the TTI Prototype Trusted Mail Agent
tutorial.tty - The MH Tutorial
These conversions have been provided because they may be of use to some
sites who retrieved MH using FTP, and who do not have TeX or a laser
printer on which to print the papers. If you have a Postscript
printer, you may want to retrieve the Postscript conversion of these
papers, available in a different tar archive.
Of course, all recipients of an MH distribution tape receive a complete
set of laser-printed manuals, and these conversions are not a
substitute for properly-formatted copies of the originals.
The conversion was generated by the "dvi2tty" program. As full use of
TeX's rich typesetting environment was used in writing many of these
papers, and since the output is intended for a line printer, it is
necessarily quite primitive.
Font changes and special character representations are lost entirely.
White-space between words may be deleted or expanded, especially near
punctuation characters. Blank lines may be added or deleted.
Since typeset lines are typically longer than 80 tty characters, the
output has been generated for 132-colunm output devices. A typical
page has about 76 lines. Pages are separated by a formfeed character.